LEHRTER SIEBZEHN was a temporary OPEN PROJECT SPACE comprising 450 m2. A belief in openness and forward movement were core values of LEHRTER SIEBZEHN. In line with the identity of the space, LEHRTER SIEBZEHN supported young artists and creators in realizing their concepts. We love to work with people who are curious, exhibit great flexibility in working in an environment that is constantly changing, moving and continuously in a state of evolution.


We worked with collaborators who could cope and contribute to a place that celebrated modularity, interdisciplinarity and constant flux.

As a curatorial duo SEEMS professional advocates non-traditional perspectives on art, celebrates the blurring borders of genres and pushes experimentation through the use and creative misuse of technology. We are interested in points of intersection and attempt to initiate collaborations with other collectives to mix expertise and work collaboratively.



LEHRTER SIEBZEHN aka L17 war das Ergebnis einer Kooperation zwischen den Eigentümern des Objekts und SEEMS Professional, einem kuratorischen Duo. Aus dem gemeinsamen Interesse für die Nutzung und Entwicklung von Raum und Architektur entstand, trotz unterschiedlicher Hintergründe, auf 550m2 Fläche ein Ort für künstlerische und kulturelle Interaktion.




LEHRTER SIEBZEHN was the result of a co-operation between the owners and SEEMS Professional- a curatorial duo. Because of a shared interest in the exploration and development of empty spaces and architecture, a place with 450m2 for cultural and artistic interaction emerged.

Owing to the provision of the facilities by the owners, LEHRTER SIEBZEHN was operating from September 2013, until March 2015, from the backyard of Lehrterstraße 17.





Venezuelan-born artist Yoraco, based in Berlin since 1998, defines his work as characterized by an interplay of form, function and object itself.

His modular and multifunctional cubes, or M-blocks, which he designed for LEHRTER SIEBZEHN, work similar to pixels that can be rearranged to create new spaces, construct spaces within spaces or change color to reflect the individual character of different installations.

Just as his M-blocks, the bar designed and built by Yoraco reflects and plays with the characteristics of light, color and structure.

Both bar and blocks are intented to tie into the overall concept that Yoraco developed for the amenities of LEHRTER SIEBZEHN, using untreated and sustainable materials to fit the specific character of the site.

There is always a method to his madness, more significantly there is just as consistently a defining aesthetic criteria.